Ajour News
Product changes and history
Ajour information:
- This program is freeware. Download file size 1.46 MB.
- Runs on Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2019 / 2012 / 2008 / 2003.
- Download latest version for Windows. See all downloads for older versions.
>> Dates are shown in "yyyy-mm-dd" format.
1. English: Ajour version history summary, current version first.
2. Dansk: Ajour versionshistorie, aktuel version først.
1. English
Ajour 5.63
- Made "About" box more clear with regards to the "Ajour.dat" file / data path.
Ajour 5.62 (2004-04-18)
- "Extended Look Ahead in CheckAjour" now also works for recurring events.
Ajour 5.61
- Added a new option: "Extended Look Ahead in CheckAjour". You can set this
setting from within "Ajour" -> "Options". It will increase the "following
days" section in CheckAjour from 7 to 28.
- Added Portuguese as a supported language. The translation was done by:
"Vasco Malheiro" <comex#moveismalheiro.com>, <www.comex.co.pt>.
Ajour 5.59 (2004-01-11)
- Fixed a bug concerning the "DataAccess" "user" mode change in version 5.58.
Ajour could wrongly fallback to the "all" mode under certain scenarios.
Remember that you in "Ajour.exe -> "Help" -> "About" can see where Ajour loads
its data from (except if using "AjourDataPath" in file "options.ini" as
described in history for version 5.52).
Ajour 5.58
- Added a "What Is" mouse cursor function (i.e. click and view popup context
sensitive help). You can find it in the top menu -> "Help" -> "What Is".
- Fixed a printing bug that could occur with certain date format settings.
- Changed the "user" path (if so selected, see history for version 5.52) from
"C:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Application Data\Micro-Sys\Ajour\" to
"C:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Documents\Micro-Sys\Ajour\". Doing this
allows "limited" user accounts to view "Ajour files", e.g. from "Explorer".
The transition is transparent and automatically done at program start.
- Added Russian as a supported language. The translation was done by:
"Oleg Krivosheev aka Helgo" <helgo#ua.fm>, <helg#optima.com.ua> from
Sevastopol, Ukraine.
- Miscellaneous tiny improvements and bug fixes.
Ajour 5.53
- Improved miscellaneous features added in last version.
Ajour 5.52
- Fixed an oddness that occurred when using "Cyberlink" with email addresses.
- Did so Ajour + CheckAjour can run under limited accounts. Part of that is that
all user accounts now can have their own data (setup, calendar, etc.). This
behavior is optional and configurable under installation. This setting is
stored in file "options.ini" (which is located in the same directory as rest
of "Ajour") at key "DataAccess" with valid values being "user" and "all".
- Readded support for an old "hidden" feature. One can now specify a path in
"options.ini" from where Ajour should read "Ajour.dat". Set "AjourDataPath" to
e.g. "\\network-computer\drive\shared-directory\Ajour\Ajour.dat". Notice that
"DataAccess" has to be set to "all" for this to work.
Ajour 5.49 (2003-02-26)
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- Added Dutch as a supported language. The translation was done by:
"J. C. Barnhoorn" <brh#penta.nl>.
- Added Spanish as a supported language. The translation was done by:
"Juan Fernando Capristán Wadsworth" <juan#editmaker.com>.
Ajour 5.46
- Fixed a bug concerning reading the "Ajour.dat" file properly.
Ajour 5.45
- Miscellaneous tiny improvements.
Ajour 5.44
- Miscellaneous tiny improvements.
- Miscellaneous fixes. 2 of these were especially annoying on XP. One could lead
to Ajour.exe crash and the other to ChkAjour.exe not showing on startup
(even when with things to remind of).
Ajour 5.41
- A small bug fixed.
Ajour 5.40
- Corrected 2 English "tool-hints" (they were shown in Danish).
- Fixed a bug where a date shown would not always change to the selected.
- Added a "Set Colors to Windows Defaults" option (useful with Windows themes).
Ajour 5.29
- Added Windows XP themes support.
- Fixed some bugs in CheckAjour that would cause it to crash.
- You can now double-click days with highlighted periodic events and be taken to
their entry.
- Smal cosmetic user interface improvements.
- Added error log functionality. If errors occur, they should now be "logged" in
"Ajour.log" or "CheckAjour.log" file (both are created in the same directory
as the rest of the "Ajour" package, but first if an error occurs).
Ajour 5.15
- Smal cosmetic user interface improvements.
Ajour 5.14
- Made the "Always Minimize to Tray" more consistent. If checked there will now
always be an icon visible that can hide/show Ajour just with a left mouse
button click on it. If Ajour is opened and then another program selected the
button in the task bar will continue to stay (but disapears when
- Made Multi-instances check better. Now unlimited number allowed, just as long
they do not have the same Ajour.exe directory/file path.
Ajour 5.11
- Added a new setting "Always Minimize to Tray". If enabled Ajour will be
minimzed to the tray instead of the taskbar. All that takes it to bring it
up again is a left or right mouse button click with the mouse on the icon.
- Added a new menu item "Visit Website" which will take you to
Ajour 5.00
- Thomas Schulz has taken over the project as the primary developer.
- Enabled multiple-instances check. Only one Instance of CheckAjour can be
started. Only one instance of the same Ajour.exe file can be started. That is
if you have Ajour installed on 2 different pathes, they can both be run
simultaneously (up to 5 open Ajour exe-files this way is supported).
- Added an option whether Check Ajour should auto run on Windows start.
- Other smaller cosmetic and miscellaneous updates.
- Went a version number up to reflect Ajour has become freeware.
Ajour 4.01
- Fixed a problem with appointments starting with a blank (space).
- Made Ajour freeware!
Ajour 4.00
- Added search functions to the events and todo/notes.
- Added interface for web-browser and email.
Enter URLs and email-addresses in appointments and todo/notes, select
one and run your browser/email software with the "Cyberlink"-button.
- Added monthly and weekly events to the events.
- Miscellaneous smaller and larger fixes and changes throughout Ajour,
among other things in the screen and print layouts.
Ajour 3.20
- Added a search function to the diary.
- Changed the interface font from Comic Sans MS to MS Sans Serif.
- Reintroduced the full 30 days free trial for "old", unregistered users.
Ajour 3.01
- Fixed a bug in CheckAjour concerning $-tagged ToDo items.
- Added a French userinterface (thanks to Jean-Christophe Meylan for the
translation). Now English, French, German and Danish is supported online.
- Added a tabbed ToDo+Notes with up to eight topics. You choose the name of
the current tab by the first word in your text.
- Added a printout of a "travelling calendar" with all your appointments
and all your annual events.
- Added color to dates with appointments and/or events in the calendar.
- Added week-number of the current date to the calendar with automatic and
manual setting of first week of year.
- Added keyboard shortcuts to browse appointment etc.
- Redone CheckAjour to accommodate for the multitopic ToDo+Notes. At the same
time I changed the "Day after tomorrow" to "The following 7 days" making
a total of today and 8 days ahead. Merged the events into the right days
instead of them having their own field.
- Changed dialing to use TAPI-interface, requires TAPI32.DLL from the Win95
dialer in the Windows\System-directory (it is probably already
- Removed modem com-port selection from the Options menu.
- Fixed a sorting-bug when saving diary as txt-file.
- Fixed a problem when running Ajour from another PC in a LAN.
- Fixed a rare problem with the calendar not showing data for the seemingly
selected date.
Ajour 2.20
- Added a German userinterface (thanks to Marcus Friedlaender for the
translation). Now English, German and Danish is supported.
- Added an option in the File-menu to save the whole diary as a txt-file.
- Added userselectable fontcolor.
Ajour 2.00
- Added userselectable backgroundcolor.
Ajour 1.12
- Added a way of get reminded of todo-items by entering a dollarsign as the
first character of the first line of the paragraphs to be reminded of.
- Added an automatic and a manual setting of the first day of the week
(USA a.o. starts the week Sunday, Europe a.o. starts it Monday). The
automatic default gets its information from Windows 95 registry, thereby
following your international settings.
Ajour 1.10
- The mainchange is the ability to make dials from phonenumbers stored in
your data. It may not be perfect yet, but as far as it goes it is working.
Ajour 1.01
- Placed Win95 systemmenu and minimize/closebuttons in the windowheads.
- Automatic language adjustment to your Windows 95 language.
- Made it possible to use the calendar as a diary as well.
Ajour 1.0 (1997-03-20)
The first released edition.
******************************** The End ***********************************
2. Dansk
Ajour 5.14
- Se den engelske historik tekst for denne og fremtidige opdateringer.
Ajour 5.11
- Tilføjet en ny option "Altid Minimer til Systray". Når valgt vil Ajour blive
minimeret til "Systray" i stedet for "Taskbar". Alt det tager at bringe Ajour
tilbage er et klik med enten højre eller venstre musse-tast på ikonet.
- Tilføjet et nyt menu punkt "Besøg Webside" som vil tage en til addressen
Ajour 5.00
- Tilføjet multi-instans check. Der kan nu kun køre en instans af CheckAjour.
Kun en instans af den samme Ajour.exe fil kan blive started. Dvs. hvis du har
Ajour installeret på 2 forskellige stier, så kan de begge køre sideløbende
(til og med 5 åbne Ajour.exe filer på denne måde er understøttet).
- Tilføjede en setting om Check Ajour skulle auto køre på Windows start.
- Andre mindre kosmetiske og blandede updateringer.
- Gik et versionsnummer op, da Ajour nu er freeware.
Ajour 4.01
- Fixet et problem med aftaler, der starter med et mellemrum (space).
- Gjort Ajour til freeware!
Ajour 4.00
- Tilføjet søgefunktioner i begivenheder og opgaver.
- Tilføjet interface for web-browser og email.
Indtast URL'er og email-adresser i aftaler og opgaver, marker en og
start din browser/email software via knappen "Cyberlink".
- Tilføjet månedlige og ugentlige begivenheder.
- Diverse mindre og større rettelser og ændringer rundt om i Ajour,
bl.a. i skærm og print layoutene.
Ajour 3.20
- Tilføjet en søgefunktion i kalenderen.
- Ændret brugerflade-fonten fra Comic Sans MS til MS Sans Serif.
- Genoprettet 30 dages prøveperiode for "gamle", uregistrerede brugere.
Ajour 3.01
- Tilføjet fransk brugergrænseflade (tak til Jean-Christophe Meylan for
oversættelsen). Ny understøttes engelsk, fransk, tysk og dansk direkte.
- Tilføjet faneblade i Opgaver+Noter med op til otte emner. Du vælger selv
navnet på det aktuelle faneblad med det første ord i din tekst.
- Tilføjet udskift af en "rejsekalender" med alle dine aftaler og alle dine
- Tilføjet farver på datoer med aftaler og/eller begivenheder i kalenderen.
- Tilføjet ugenummer for den aktuelle dato i kalenderen med automatisk og
manuel indstilling af første uge i året.
- Tilføjet mulighed for at bruge tastaturet til at bladre i aftaler mv.v
- Omarbejdet ChkAjour a.h.t multiemne Opgaver+Noter. Samtidig har jeg ændret
"I overmorgen" til "De følgende 7 dage", så du nu blir adviseret 8 dage
forud, samt flettet begivenheder ind på de rigtige datoer i stedet for at
at have dem i sit eget felt.
- Ændret opringing til TAPI-interfacet, kræver TAPI32.DLL fra Win95 opkalds-
programmet i Windows\System-mappen (det er der sikkert allerede).
- Rettet en sorteringsfejl, når dagbogen blev gemt som txt-fil.
- Rettet et problem, når Ajour blev kørt fra en anden PC i et netværk.
- Rettet et sjældent problem med kalenderen, der ikke viste dataene for den
tilsyneladende valgte dato.
Ajour 2.20
- Tilføjet tysk brugergrænseflade (tak til Marcus Friedlaender for
oversæt-telsen). Ny understøttes engelsk, tysk og dansk direkte.
- Tilføjet mulighed i Filer-menuen for at gemme hele dagbogen som en
- Tilføjet brugervalgt modem-comport (hvis Ajour ikke selv kan finde den).
- Tilføjet mulighed for at vælge skriftfarve.
Ajour 2.00
- Tilføjet mulighed for at vælge baggrundsfarve.
Ajour 1.12
- Tilføjet mulighed for at blive mindet om opgaver ved at taste
dollartegn som det første tegn i den første linie i de afsnit, du vil
mindes om.
- Tilføjet automatisk og manuel indstilling af første dag i ugen. Default'en
hentes fra Win95 registry'en og følger dine internationale indstillinger.
- Ændret nogle overskrifter.
Ajour 1.10
- Den største ændring er muligheden for at lave opkald fra telefonnumre
lagret i dine data. Det er ikke perfekt endnu, men det, der er, virker.
Ajour 1.01
- Placeret Win95 systemmenu og minimer/luk-knapper i vindueshovederne.
- Automatisk tilpasning af sprog til dit Windows 95 sprog.
- Gjort det muligt også at bruge kalenderen som en dagbog.
Ajour 1.0
Første udsendte udgave.
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