
Last Modified and Timezones in Website Search Engine

The website search engine software will during its crawl extract last modified values from meta tags and HTTP headers.

Website Search Engine Last Modified Values

Our software product A1 Website Search Engine extracts these values in one of the following ways:
  1. Checks if the webserver responds with last-modified HTTP response header:

    HTML pages: The webserver will usually generate this header for you.

    PHP example: Extract last-modified from file:
    <?php header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", filemtime($SCRIPT_FILENAME)) . " GMT"); ?>.

    ASP example: Set hard coded last-modified:
    <% Response.AddHeader "Last-modified","Mon, 01 Jan 2000 11:22:33 GMT" %>.

    ASP.Net functions you can check documentation on:
    Response.Cache.SetLastModified(DateTime date);
    Response.AddFileDependancy(string filename);
  2. If no relevant HTTP response header, the page is checked for last-modified HTML meta tag.

Understand Timezone and Timestamps

You can always view the last-modified values retrieved in page data.

last modified timestamp for URL

Note: The server timezone will often be placed and configured to be different from your timezone. The date and time the server returns in last-modified depends on the server computer clock. This again depends on how the server timezone and clock has been configured.
A1 Website Search Engine
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By having a search engine on online or offline website, you can ensure more of your visitors stay on your site. Having a search box helps visitors find what they are searching for.
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