
A1 Website Search Engine


Upgrade to 12.x | Buy Now

Add a Search Engine to Your Website

Provide your website visitors with a website search engine. Our tool will index your entire website and build a site search solution that considers both the content and internal linking in the website. When done, simply FTP upload a few files, and you have a website search engine.
Download now for Windows and Mac:
  • The trial is fully functional with a 30 days evaluation period.
  • You can continue to use free mode after the trial runs out.
  • Price: $0 for free / $49 for professional.
  • Free product support before and after purchase.
  • No subscription costs for using version 12.x.
  • Download file size is only 8.98 MB.

Runs on:
  • Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2019 / 2012 / 2008 / 2003
  • Mac OS X / macOS 10.8 Mountain Lion or newer

When you decide to buy A1 Website Search Engine, remember that the purchase covers all 12.x releases + if version 13.0 is released within one year of your purchase, you are eligible to a free 13.x upgrade.
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Free mode Trial and paid
500 page URLs per website No fixed limit
Search engine
75 pages No fixed limit
  • All options to control website indexing
  • All in free mode
  • Command line support
Free $49 USD - buy now

Why Have a Website Search Engine

Adding a website search solution to your website will help visitors find what they are searching for on your website. This is in particular useful if the website vistor entered your website through a page not containing what they needed. Having a search engine will help you increase conversions and website functionality, both things important if you sell goods or services online.

Our solution will crawl your website (offline or online) and collect all the necessary data. When the crawl has finished, the search engine (including index and data files) can be built in a variey of formats compatible with most websites and webservers.

Data collected and used to determine relevancy for search queries include:
  • All text content in all pages are analyzed giving different weight to titles, headers etc.
  • Internal website link text anchors are stored and analyzed.
  • Internal website linking structure is used to calculate importance of all pages and anchors.
  • Data like word count, shortest click distance from root and similar.

After you download the software, you can check the tutorial to get started.

3 Easy Steps and You Have a Working Site Search Solution

  1. Have the crawler engine in our software scan and index your entire website.

  2. Choose which search index and search code solution you want to have created:
    • JavaScript frontend with all data embedded:
      • Depending on settings, searching can be instantanous. No page reloads!
      • Ideal for 100-1000 page websites. (The search index is stored in a JavaScript data file loaded by the internet browser.)
      • Optional deferred loading of the JavaScript search index data file until the user actually starts searching.
      • Works on offline media such as browsing websites on CDs and USB sticks.
    • JavaScript frontend and PHP/data-file backend:
      • Searching is fast with only a minimum of data transferred. (No full page reloads.)
      • Best for sites with less than 10000 pages. (PHP reads the data file on-server and returns the relevant parts using AJAX.)
      • Works on even old server and PHP installations.

    Common for all solutions are that:
    • The page showing search results supports GET parameters. This means that you can add a search box to all your website pages.

  3. FTP upload the new files containing the search engine index and code.
Note: The command line support allows you to use most scheduling mechanisms, including Window scheduler, to update your website search engine index as often as you want, e.g. once every night.
Note: You can configure exactly how different elements affect keyword score in website pages. This includes controlling how much e.g. titles, headers, alternative image text etc. weigh realtively. You can also add own stop words and control how much detail (e.g. if only important keywords) the search engine index includes.

Get A1 Website Search Engine Now

You can order A1 Website Search Engine online. We offer a 30 days satisfaction guarantee to make your purchase risk-free.
Not fully convinced? It is now possible to get and try our fully functional 30 days free trial version. You can download it now.
If you have a feature request or need help with either the trial or purchase, please write us. We usually respond to support emails within 12 hours.
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Sibling A1 Webmaster Tools

A1 Website Search Engine can share project files with its sibling tools:
For an all-in-one technical SEO subscription tool see TechSEO360.

Pre-Sale and Post-Sale Questions

  • License: User licensing, license files and unlocking the software.
  • Purchase: Support, satisfaction guarantee and updates.
  • Billing: VAT information and how to retrieve your invoice online.
  • Installation: How to to install and uninstall the software.
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