Code | Description | More Info |
HTTP Response Codes | ||
100 | Continue | |
101 | Switching Protocols | |
200 | OK | |
201 | Created | |
202 | Accepted | |
203 | Non-Authoritative Information | |
204 | No Content | |
205 | Reset Content | |
206 | Partial Content | |
300 | Multiple Choices | |
301 | Moved Permanently | The URL redirects to another. To find out where you linked/used/etc. this URL, see internal linking. |
302 | Moved Temporarily (Found) | |
303 | See Other | |
304 | Not Modified | |
305 | Use Proxy | |
306 | Switch Proxy | |
307 | Temporary Redirect | |
400 | Bad Request | See rcTimeoutConnect: Timeout: Generic for possible cause and solution. |
401 | Unauthorized | Website may require login or similar. |
402 | Payment Required | |
403 | Forbidden | See rcTimeoutConnect: Timeout: Generic for possible cause and solution.
Possibly a server module denying unknown crawlers access. See help on problematic websites. |
404 | Not Found | The URL does not exist. To find out where you linked/used/etc. this URL, see internal linking. |
405 | Method Not Allowed | |
406 | Not Acceptable | |
407 | Proxy Authentication Required | |
408 | Request Timeout | |
409 | Conflict | |
410 | Gone | |
411 | Length Required | |
412 | Precondition Failed | |
413 | Request Entity Too Large | |
414 | Request-URI Too Long | |
415 | Unsupported Media Type | |
416 | Requested Range Not Satisfiable | |
417 | Expectation Failed | |
500 | Internal Server Error | See rcTimeoutConnect: Timeout: Generic for possible cause and solution. |
503 | Service Temporarily Unavailable | See rcTimeoutConnect: Timeout: Generic for possible cause and solution. |
504 | Gateway Timeout | |
505 | HTTP Version Not Supported | |
A1 Sitemap Generator Response Codes | ||
0 | rcVirtualItem: Virtual Item |
No request has been done by the crawler for this URL.
Happens in cases where a directory example/ is not used, linked or redirected from anywhere (and thus with default settings not crawled), but has URLs underneath that are, e.g. example/file.html. If there are no URLs underneath like described above - rcVirtualItem URLs will not appear in Analyze website data. Alternatively, you can force the crawler to handle such URLs by checking option: Scan website | Crawler options | Always scan directories that contain linked URLs. For more details, see the internal linking help page. |
-1 | rcNoRequest: No Request |
No request has been done by the crawler for this URL.
You will usually only see this under the following conditions:
-2 | rcUnknownResult: Unknown Result | Server responded with an unrecognized response code. |
-3 | rcTimeoutGeneric: Timeout: Generic |
Possible solutions if you have overloaded your server:
-4 | rcCommError: Communication Error |
Possible reasons:
-5 | rcTimeoutConnect: Timeout: Connect | See rcTimeoutConnect: Timeout: Generic |
-6 | rcTimeoutRead: Timeout: Read | See rcTimeoutConnect: Timeout: Generic |
-7 | rcCommErrorDecompress: Communication Error: Decompress | |
-8 | rcRedirectCanonical: Redirect: Canonical | Canonical URLs |
-9 | rcRedirectIndexFileDirRoot: Redirect: Index File Directory Root | Duplicate URLs |
-10 | rcCommErrorSocket: Communication Error: Sockets |
Possible reasons:
-11 | rcMetaRefreshRedirect: Meta Refresh Redirect | Duplicate URLs |
-12 | rcCommErrorChunkedWrong: Communication Error: Chunked Wrong | |
-13 | rcAjaxSnapshotRedirect: Redirect: Ajax Snapshot Redirect |
Google proposed AJAX snapshot solution where
corresponds to
AJAX is a Javascript/browser technology that allows Javascript to communicate directly with a server through HTTP. This allows JS to update the browser content without any page reloads. |
-14 | rcRedirectNoSlashDirRoot: Redirect: No Slash Directory Root | Duplicate URLs |