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45 chars
Corner is made for calculating odd corners.
80 chars
Corner is a program for calculating odd corners made from sheetmaterials.
250 chars
Corner is a program for calculating odd corners made from sheetmaterials like aluminium, steel, or glass. It could be the corners of aluminium- or steelfacades - or perhaps strangely-shaped fishtanks... Useful if when you need it.
450 chars
Corner is a program for calculating odd corners made from sheetmaterials like aluminium, steel, or glass. It could be the corners of aluminium- or steelfacades - or perhaps strangely-shaped fishtanks... If you are in that line of work or a bit interested in geometry, Corner will be very easy to use as you will recognize the scenario - if not Corner will be useless to you!
2000 chars
Corner is a program to calculate odd corners made from sheet materials like aluminium, steel, or glass. It could be the corners of aluminium or steel facades - or perhaps strangely shaped fishtanks... If you are in that line of work or a bit interested in geometry, Corner will be very easy to use as you will recognize the scenario - if not Corner will be useless to you!
calculate, corners, measures, shelves, aluminium, steel, glass, wood, materials, geometry, Corner