
Create Mobile Sitemaps with XML Sitemap Generator

Create mobile sitemaps for mobile websites and .mobi domains. Learn how to create mobile XML Sitemaps with A1 Sitemap Generator.

About Mobile Websites and Mobile Sitemaps

When using Mobile sitemaps as Google defines them, you are primarily meant to use them for websites and sections optimized for feature phones that use special or limited parts of presentation technologies optimized for these, e.g. WAP.

Here are some things to consider before using mobile sitemaps:
  • If you are using responsive or adaptive websites that show or load different content depending on the browser window size and capabilities, a mobile sitemap may not be necessary for you.
  • To use mobile sitemaps, you should have separate URLs for mobile content, e.g. http://example.com/page.html and http://m.example.com/page.html.
  • Originally, separate mobile websites (and mobile sitemaps) were made for non-smartphones (also called feature phones), i.e. browsers on mobile phones that did not match normal desktop browsers in capabilties. However, nowadays, smart phone browsers are just as capabable as desktop browsers.
  • If you have a separate website optimized for smart phones, you can choose to simply create a separate normal XML sitemap for that instead of a mobile sitemap.

Note: If you submit a mobile sitemaps into Google Search Console, only URLs that use feature phone presentation technologies like e.g. WAP are counted as mobile URLs. Other page URLs are counted as web URLs.

For further information see:

Create a Mobile Sitemap

Creating mobile sitemaps may require some configuration of the website scan options. However, beyond that, generating mobile XML Sitemaps for Google and other search engines is quite similar to when you are building standard XML sitemaps.

You will first have to scan the website. To ease configuration, you can choose the mobile sitemap preset:

mobile sitemap website path

This will also uncheck option scan website | webmaster filters | obey canonical since many mobile websites use this to point to the primary non-mobile website page.

When the website scan has finished, select the Google mobile XML sitemap as the file kind to create:

mobile sitemap xml generator

Sitemap Generator and Mobile Websites

It matters little to the website crawler if your website is for mobile users. A1 Sitemap Generator can parse all kinds of HTML and XHTML derived formats including WAP and cHTML used by mobile websites. Is also does not matter if your mobile website is located on a .mobi domain.

Default output and analysis filters include all common mobile website file extensions and MIME types. Depending on your website, you may want to further configure these, but defaults will work well for most mobile websites. Should you encounter problems, you can see our list of solutions to common sitemap and crawling problems solutions.

Help A1 Sitemap Generator Discover Mobile Conent

Depending on how your mobile website serves mobile content for phones etc, you may need to make some changes in how our sitemapper tool identifies itself during crawling of your mobile website.
  • You can change the user agent ID used by our sitemap generator to Googlebot-Mobile when crawling your mobile website. The relevant option is found in General options and tools | Internet crawler | User agent ID.

mobile sitemaps and user agent

Google Mobile XML Sitemap Example

Here is an example of how a mobile sitemap can look like when viewing its source:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9" xmlns:mobile="http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap-mobile/1.0">
A1 Sitemap Generator
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Build all kinds of sitemaps including text, visual HTML / CSS, RSS, XML, image, video, news and mobile for all your websites no matter the platform they use.
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